Sunday, August 7, 2011

week 2

My weight stayed the same, but so did my resolve.
It was a tough week. One day, Sam, my 18 year old son, called and said he had been hit be a car. He was on his motorcycle. He was not hurt but the bike was not good.
I had been making a veritable feast of shrimp salad and garlic ciabatta bread for the whole family, minus Dan and family.
After dinner, I felt my nerves and though comfort food was in order, so I suggested ice cream and hot fudge sauce.
Soon as it was opened everyone was on me to not have any. I was allowed only a couple of bites. Normally, I would appreciate this kind of support. But with adrenalin flowing because of Sam's accident.....I wanted to "bond" with the rest of the family by eating a little ice cream, too.
What happened was that I ended up going out in the yard by myself.....which is not very bonding or comforting at all, when everyone else is together eating ice cream.
I told Brian later that night, that given the circumstance, I should have had a small bowl with freedom, rather than 3 bites with bitterness.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 8

I lost 8 pounds my first week. This might frighten some but I feel terrific!!!
My clothes are comfortable not tight! What a nice feeling that is!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 1

I did it. I followed the program exactly. And I wasn't hungry. I drank lots of water.
Hooray for me!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I am committed.
It is 4am and I feel trapped in my body. I am having a major allergy attack and my knees hurt and who can sleep when there nose is exploding.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

reading the past

OK so I looked to see how the video turned out and I am sideways. I think I look better that way.
But I notice how I was using getting some exercise at the beginning of the year.
Just an update: I hurt my knee in May and it is almost 3 months later and I will be going in for an MRI to see what is going on.

another new start

OK so I have another new start. But this one is for good. I know...who will believe me. My girlfriend Christine lost 80 + pounds with the FAA Food Addicts Anonymous life style change. I am starting tomorrow, Monday, July 25. I am doing it with my sister, Pat.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life!

Monday, January 31, 2011

The end of the first month

As I write it is January 31 and this morning I weighed myself and I am down by 5 pounds!
This is incredible!!
So what am I doing?
I am watching my portion sizes.
I am not eating as many carbs.
I am exercising. I use an elyptical trainer for 6 minutes and am working my way to increased amount of time and resistance.
I am not denying myself to the point of frustration. I enjoy my tea.
This is the first time in 25 years I have ever had any success with my weight.
25 pounds to go.